SE 599

SE 599 - Thesis Research

Summer 2024

Thesis ResearchSE5990IND0 -    
Thesis ResearchSE599599IND0 -     Bob Norris
Thesis ResearchSE599AWIND0 -     Abigail Wooldridge
Thesis ResearchSE599DSIND0 -    Dusan M Stipanovic
Thesis ResearchSE599GKIND0 -    Girish Krishnan
Thesis ResearchSE599HRMIND0 -    Henrique M Reis
Thesis ResearchSE599JSSIND0 -    Jeff Shamma
Thesis ResearchSE599JTAIND0 -    James Allison
Thesis ResearchSE599PWIND0 -    Pingfeng Wang
Thesis ResearchSE599RSSIND0 -    Ramavarapu S Sreenivas
Thesis ResearchSE599TKIND0 -    T Kesavadas
Thesis ResearchSE599XCIND0 -    Xin Chen
Thesis ResearchSE599YLIND0 -    Yumeng Li
Thesis ResearchSE599YZIND0 -    Yuan Zhou

Official Description

Thesis Research. Course Information: 0 to 16 graduate hours. No professional credit. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated to a maximum of 16 hours for credit toward the Master's or PhD degree.