Pingfeng Wang
For More Information
- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, 2010
- M.S., Applied Mathematics, Tsinghua University, China, 2006
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Sci. & Tech. Beijing, China, 2001
Academic Positions
- Professor, Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 8/2023 - Present
- Associate Professor, Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 8/2017 - 8/2023
- Associate Professor, Materials Research Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 8/2020 - 2/2025
- Donald Biggar Willett Faculty Scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2020-Present
- Jerry S. Dobrovolny Faculty Scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2019 - Present
Other Professional Activities
- Board of Directors, RAMS - Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (2019 ~ present)
- President, Quality Control and Reliability Engineering (QCRE) Division at IISE (2017- 2018: President-Elect; 2018-2019:Acting President; 2019-2020: Immediate Past President)
- Board of Directors, Quality Control & Reliability Engineering (QCRE) at IISE (2014-2016)
- Member, Design Automation Executive Committee at ASME (2017-2018: Special Session Chair, 2018-2019: Program Chair, 2019-2020: Conference Chair, 2020-2021: Committee Chair, 2021-2022: Immediate Past Chair )
- Member, Non-Deterministic Approach (NDA) Technical Committee at AIAA (2014 ~ present)
Professional Highlights
- Conference Chair, the 46th Design Automation Conference (DAC) at the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), St. Louis, MO, August 16 – 19, 2020.
- Program Chair, IISE ANNUAL CONFERENCE and EXPO 2020, New Orleans, LA, Oct. 31 - Nov. 3, 2020.
Research Areas
Books Authored or Co-Authored (Original Editions)
Chapters in Books
Selected Articles in Journals
- Liu, Z., Kabirzadeh, P., Wu, H., Fu, W., Qiu, H., Miljkovic, N., Li, Y., Wang, P., "Machine learning enhanced control co-design optimization of an immersion cooled battery thermal management system," J. Appl. Phys. 136, 025001 (2024).
- Wu, H., Bansal, P., Liu, Z., Wang, P., and Li, Y., (2024). "Uncertainty quantification of mechanical behavior of corroded Al-Fe self-pierce riveting joints with statistical shape modeling," Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 124, 909-917, 2024.
- Jiang, Y., Chen, Y., and Wang, P., (2024). "An Iterative Adaptive Vold-Kalman Filter for Nonstationary Signal Decomposition in Mechatronic Transmission Fault Diagnosis Under Variable Speed Conditions," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, doi: 10.1109/TII.2024.3393536.
- Liu, Z., Wu, H., Wang, P., & Li, Y. (2024). Reliability-Based Design Optimization of Additive Manufacturing for Lithium Battery Silicon Anode. ASME J. Risk and Uncertainty, Part B 1-44.
- Xu, Y., Wu, H., Liu, Z., Wang, P. and Li, Y., 2024. Multi-Task Learning for Design under Uncertainty with Multi-Fidelity Partially Observed Information. Journal of Mechanical Design, pp.1-17.
- Zhao, Z., Lv, G., Xu, Y., Lin, Y.F., Wang, P. and Wang, X., 2024. Enhancing ground source heat pump system design optimization: A stochastic model incorporating transient geological factors and decision variables. Renewable Energy, p.120279.
- Mishra, A.K., Liu, X., Hu, C. and Wang, P., 2023. Reliability-informed end-of-use decision making for product sustainability using two-stage stochastic optimization. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 121, pp.364-385.
- Behtash, M., Liu, X., Davied, M., Thompson, T., Burjes, R., Lee, M., Wang, P., and Hu, C., 2023. "Reman Co-Design: A Combined Design and Remanufacturing Optimization Framework for the Sustainable Design of High-Value Components." ASME. J. Mech. Des. doi:
- Liu, X., and Wang, P., 2023, "Integrated Sustainable Product Design with Warranty and End-of-use Considerations." ASME. J. Mech. Des. doi:
- Kohtz, S., Zhao, J., Renteria, A., Lalwani, A., Xu, Y., Zhang, X., Haran, K.S., Senesky, D. and Wang, P., 2023. Optimal sensor placement for permanent magnet synchronous motor condition monitoring using a digital twin-assisted fault diagnosis approach. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, p.109714.
- Liu, Z., Sederholm, J.G., Lan, K.W., Cho, E.J., Dipto, M.J., Gurumukhi, Y., Rabbi, K.F., Hatzell, M.C., Perry, N.H., Miljkovic, N., Braun, P.V., Wang, P., and Li, Y., 2023. Life cycle assessment of hydrometallurgical recycling for cathode active materials. Journal of Power Sources, 580, p.233345.
- Hamdan, B. and Wang, P., 2023. Multi-Fidelity Bayesian Learning for Offshore Production Well Reliability Analysis. Applied Mathematical Modelling.
- Xu, Y., and Wang, P., 2023. "Sequential Sampling-Based Asymptotic Probability Estimation of High-Dimensional Rare Events." ASME. J. Mech. Des. October 2023; 145(10): 101701.
- Wu, H., Xu, Y., Liu, Z., Li, Y., and Wang, P., Adaptive Machine Learning with Physics-based Simulations for Mean Time to Failure Prediction of Engineering Systems, Reliability Engineering & Systems Safety, 2023.
- Hamdan, B., Wang, P., 2023. A new Lagrangian solution scheme for non-decomposable multidisciplinary design optimization problems. Struct Multidisc Optim 66, 166.
- Hamdan, B., Liu, Z., Ho, K., B�y�ktahtakın, İ. E., and Wang, P., A dynamic multi-stage design framework for staged deployment optimization of highly stochastic systems. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 66, 162 (2023).
- Sharmili, N., Nagi, R., and Wang, P., 2023. A review of research in the Li-ion battery production and reverse supply chains. Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 68, 107622 (2023).
- Mishra, A.K., Liu, X., Hu, C. and Wang, P., 2023. Reliability-Informed End-of-Use Decision Making for Product Sustainability Using Two-stage Stochastic Optimization. Applied Mathematical Modelling.
- Bansal, P., Zheng, Z., Pan, B., Meng, Y., Wen, W., Banu, M., Li, J., Carlson, B.E., Shao, C., Wang, P., and Li, Y., "Corrosion of Al-Fe self-pierce riveting joints with multiphysics-based modeling and experiments," Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 95, 2023, 434-445.
- Abreu, J.F., Costa, A.M., Costa, P.V., Miranda, A.C., Zheng, Z., Wang, P., Ebecken, N.F., de Carvalho, R.S., dos Santos, P.L., Lins, N. and de Melo, P.R., 2023. Carbon net zero transition: A case study of hydrogen storage in offshore salt cavern. Journal of Energy Storage, 62, p.106818.
- Abreu, J.F., Costa, A.M., Costa, P.V., Miranda, A.C., Zheng, Z., Wang, P., Goulart, M.B., Bergsten, A., Ebecken, N.F., Bittencourt, C.H. and Assi, G., 2023. Large-scale storage of hydrogen in salt caverns for carbon footprint reduction. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
- Wu, J., and Wang, P., "Generative Design for Resilience of Interdependent Network Systems," ASME. J. Mech. Des. , October 27, 2022. DOI: 10.1115/1.4056078
- Xu, Y., Lalwani, A.V., Arora, K., Zheng, Z., Renteria, A., Senesky, D. G., and Wang, P., "Hall-Effect Sensor Design with Physics-informed Gaussian Process Modeling," in IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2022.3216499.
- Xu, Y., Kohtz, S., Boakye, J., Gardoni, P., and Wang, P., "Physics-informed machine learning for reliability and systems safety applications: State of the art and challenges," Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2022
- Wu, J., Chen, X., Badakhshan, S., Zhang, J., Wang, P., "Spectral Graph Clustering for Intentional Islanding Operations in Resilient Hybrid Energy System, " IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TII.2022.3199240.
- Liu, X., Ghosh, S., Liu, Y., and Wang, P., "Towards Integrated Design and Operation of Complex Engineering Systems with Predictive Modeling: State of the Art and Challenges." ASME. J. Mech. Des., 2022.
- Xu, Y., Renteria, A., and Wang, P., "Adaptive Surrogate Models with Partially Observed Information," Reliability Engineering & Systems Safety, 2022.
- Liu, X., and Wang, P., "Valuation of Continuous Monitoring Systems for Engineering System Design in Recurrent Maintenance Decision Scenarios," Journal of Mechanical Design, 2022.
- Kohtz, S., Xu, Y., Zheng, Z., and Wang, P., "Physics-informed machine learning model for battery state of health prognostics using partial charging segments," Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 172, 109002, 2022.
- Ma, J., Zheng, Z., Hoque, M. J., Li, L., Rabbi, K. F., Ho, J. Y., Braun, P.V., Wang, P., and Miljkovic, N., "A Lipid-Inspired Highly Adhesive Interface for Durable Superhydrophobicity in Wet Environments and Stable Jumping Droplet Condensation," ACS Nano , 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.1c10250.
- Cui, T., Zheng, Z., and Wang, P., "Control Co-Design of Lithium-ion Batteries for Enhanced Fast Charging and Cycle Life Performances," J. Electrochem. En. Conv. Stor., 19(3): 031001 (11), 2022.
- Cui, T., Allison, J.T. and Wang, P., "Reliability-based control co-design of horizontal axis wind turbines." Struct Multidisc Optim , 64, 3653–3679, 2021.
- Zheng, Z., Liu, Z., Wang, P., and Li, Y., "Numerical modeling on the delamination-induced capacity degradation of silicon anode," Journal of Energy Storage, vol.43, 103190 (7), 2021.
- Liu, X., Zheng, Z., Büyüktahtakın, B., Zhou, Z., and Wang, P., "Battery asset management with cycle life prognosis," Reliability Engineering & System Safety, vol. 216, 107948 (12), 2021.
- Pan, B., Sun, H., Shang, S-L, Wen, W., Banu, M., Simmer, J.C., Carlson, B.E., Chen, N., Liu, Z-K, Zheng, Z., Wang, P., and Li, J., "Corrosion behavior in aluminum/galvanized steel resistance spot welds and self-piercing riveting joints in salt spray environment," Journal of Manufacturing Processes, vol. 70, pp. 608-620, 2021.
- Zhao, Z., Xu, Y., Lin, Y-F, Wang, X., and Wang, P., “Probabilistic Modeling and Reliability-Based Design Optimization of a Ground Source Heat Pump System,” Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 117341
- Zheng, Z., and Wang, P. (2021). "Uncertainty Quantification Analysis On Silicon Electrodeposition Process via Numerical Simulation Methods." ASME. ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Part B. doi:
- Wu, J, and Wang, P., “Risk-averse optimization for resilience enhancement of complex engineering systems under uncertainties,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, vol. 215, 2021, 107836.
- Zheng, Z., Xu, Y., and Wang, P., "Uncertainty Quantification Analysis on Mechanical Properties of the Structured Silicon Anode via Surrogate Models," Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021.
- Wu, J., and Wang, P., "Post-disruption performance recovery to enhance resilience of interconnected network systems," Journal of Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, vol. 6, issue 1-2, pp. 107-123, 2021.
- Yang, Z., Kraman, M. D., Zheng, Z., Zhao, H., Zhang, J., Gong, S., Shao, Y. V., Huang, W., Wang, P., Li, X., Monolithic Heterogeneous Integration of 3D Radio Frequency L−C Elements by Self‐Rolled‐Up Membrane Nanotechnology. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 2004034.
- Zheng, Z., Chen, B., Fritz, N., Gurumukhi, Y., Cook, J., Ates, M., Miljkovic, N., Braun, P.V., and Wang, P., "The Impact of Non-uniform Metal Scaffolds on the Performance of 3D Structured Silicon Anodes," Journal of Energy Storage, vol.30, 101502 (8), 2020.
- Zheng, Z., Chen, B., Xu, Y., Fritz, N., Gurumukhi, Y., Cook, J., Ates, M., Miljkovic, N., Braun, P.V., and Wang, P., "A Gaussian Process-Based Crack Pattern Modeling Approach for Battery Anode Materials Design," J. Electrochem. En. Conv. Stor., 18(1): 011011, 2020.
- Cui, T., Allison, J.T., and Wang, P., "A Comparative Study of Formulations and Algorithms for Reliability-based Co-Design Problems," Journal of Mechanical Design, 2019.
- Sharpe, C., Wiest, T., Wang, P., and Seepersad, C., "A Comparative Evaluation of Supervised Machine Learning Classification Techniques for Engineering Design Applications," Journal of Mechanical Design, 141(12): 121404 (12), 2019.
- Eshghi, A. T., Lee, S., Jung, H-J, Wang, P., "Design of structural monitoring sensor network using surrogate modeling of stochastic sensor signal," Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 133, 106280, 2019.
- Zheng, Z., Chen, B., Fritz, N., Gurumukhi, Y., Cook, J., Ates, M., Miljkovic, N., Braun, P.V., and Wang, P., "Lithiation Induced Stress Concentration for 3D Metal Scaffold Structured Silicon Anodes," J. Electrochem. Soc. vol. 166, no.10, A2083-A2090, 2019.
- Wu, J., and Wang, P., "A Comparison of Control Strategies for Disruption Management in Engineering Design for Resilience," ASCE. ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Part B. 5(2), 020902 (11), 2019.
- Fan, X., Wang, P., and Hao, F., "Reliability-based design optimization of crane bridges using Kriging-based surrogate models," Struct. Multidiscipl. Optim., 59(3), 993–1005, 2019.
- Yodo, N., and Wang, P., "A Control-Guided Failure Restoration Framework for the Design of Resilient Engineering Systems," Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety, vol.178, pp.179-190, 2018.
- Yodo, N., Wang, P., and Rafi, M., "Enabling Resilience of Complex Engineered Systems Using Control Theory," IEEE Trans. On Reliability, 67(1), 53-65, 2017.
- Yodo, N., Wang, P., and Zhou, Z., "Predictive Resilience Analysis of Complex Systems Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks," IEEE Trans. On Reliability, 66(3), 761-770, 2017.
- Bai, G., and Wang, P., "Prognostics Using An Adaptive Self-Cognizant Dynamic System Approach," IEEE Trans. on Reliability, 65(3), 1427-1437, 2016.
- Yodo, N., and Wang, P., "Engineering Resilience Quantification and System Design Implications: A Literature Survey," Journal of Mechanical Design, 138(11), 111408, 2016.
- Bai, G., and Wang, P., "An Internal State Variable Mapping Approach for Li-Plating Diagnosis," Power Sources, Vol. 323, pp.115-124, 2016.
- Yodo, N., and Wang, P., “Engineering Resilience Allocation for Early State Design of Complex Engineered Systems," Journal of Mechanical Design, 138(9), 091402, 2016.
- Wang, Z., and Wang, P., "Accelerated Failure Identification Sampling for Probability Analysis of Rare Failure Events," Struct. Multidiscipl. Optim. 54(1), 137-149, 2016.
- Yodo, N., and Wang, P., "Resilience Modeling and Quantification for Engineering Systems Using Bayesian Networks," Journal of Mechanical Design, 138(3), 031404, 2016.
- Xie, C., Wang, P., Wang, Z., and Huang, H-Z., "Corrosion Reliability Analysis Considering the Coupled Effect of Mechanical Stresses," ASME J. Risk Uncertainty, Part B, 2(3), 031001(9), 2016.
- Wu, X., He, J., Ellis, J., Choi, W., Wang, P., and Peng, K., “Which is a Better In-Vehicle Information Display? A Comparison of Google Glass and Smartphones,” IEEE Journal of Display Technology, 12(11), 1364 – 1371, 2016.
- Almaktoom, A.T., Krishnan, K., and Wang, P., "Cost Efficient Robust Global Supply Chain System Design under Uncertainty," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 85(1), pp. 853-868, 2016.
- Wang, P., Wang, Z., Youn, B., and Lee, S., "Reliability-based Robust Design of Smart Sensing Systems for Failure Diagnostics Using Piezoelectric Materials," Computers & Structures, vol.156, pp.110-121, 2015.
- Wang, Z., and Wang, P., "A Double-Loop Adaptive Sampling Approach for Sensitivity-Free Dynamic Reliability Analysis," Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol.142, pp.346-456, 2015.
- Hu, C., Youn, B., Kim, T., and Wang, P., " A co-training based approach for prediction of remaining useful life utilizing both failure and suspension data", Mechanical Systems & Signal Processing, Vol. 62-63, pp.75-90, 2015.
- Bai, G., Wang, P., and Hu, C., "A Self-Cognizant Dynamic System Approach for Prognostics and Health Management", Power Sources, Vol. 278, 15, pp. 163-174, 2015.
- Tamilselvan, P., and Wang, P., "A Tri-fold Hybrid Classification Approach for Diagnostics with Unexampled Faulty States", Mechanical Systems & Signal Processing, Vol. 50–51, pp.437–455, 2015.
- Wang, Z., and Wang, P., "An Integrated Performance Measure Approach for System Reliability Analysis," Journal of Mechanical Design, 137(2), 021406, 2015.
- Bai, G., Wang, P., Hu, C., and Pecht, M., "A Generic Model-Free Approach for Lithium-ion Battery Health Management," Applied Energy, vol. 135, pp. 247-260, 2014.
- Wang, P., Youn, B., Hu, C., Ha, J.M., and Jeon, B., "A Probabilistic Detectability-Based Sensor Network Design Method for System Health Monitoring and Prognostics," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2014. DOI: 10.1177/1045389X14541496.
- Wang, P., Wang, Z., and Almaktoom, A.T., “Dynamic Reliability-based Robust Design Optimization with Time-Variant Probabilistic Constraints,” Engineering Optimization, vol. 46, issue 6, pp. 784-809, 2014.
- Wang, P., Tamilselvan, P. *, and Hu, C., "Health Diagnostics Using Multi-Attribute Classification Fusion," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol.32, pp.192-202, 2014.
- Zhang, B., Zhang, L., Xu, J., and Wang, P., "Performance Degradation Assessment of Rolling Element Bearings Based on an Index Combining SVD and Information Exergy," Entropy, 16(10), 5400-5415, 2014.
- Xi, Z., Jing, R., Wang, P., and Hu, C., "A Copula-Based Sampling Method for Data-Driven Prognostics and Health Management", Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol.132, pp. 72-82, 2014.
- Almaktoom, A.T. *, Krishnan, K., Wang, P., and Alsobhi, S., "Assurance of system service level robustness in complex supply chain networks," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 74, no.1-4, pp 445-460, 2014.
- Wang, Z., and Wang, P., “A Maximum Confidence Enhancement Based Sequential Sampling Scheme for Simulation-Based Design,” Journal of Mechanical Design, 136(2), 021006, 2013.
- Wang, Z., and Wang, P., “A New Approach for Reliability Analysis with Time-Variant Performance Characteristics,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 115, pp. 70–81, 2013.
- Tamilselvan, P., Wang, P., Sheng, S., and Twomey, J., “A Two-stage Diagnosis Framework for Wind Turbine Gearbox Condition Monitoring,” Int. J. on Prognostics and Health Management, Vol. 4, 010 (11), 2013.
- Tamilselvan, P., Wang, P., and Pecht, M., “A Multi-Attribute Classification Fusion System for Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Diagnostics,” Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 53, No. 8, pp. 1117-1129, 2013.
- Wang, P., Tamilselvan, P., Twomey, J., and Youn, B.D., “Prognosis Informed Wind Farm Operation and Maintenance for Economic and Environmental Benefits,” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 1049-1056, 2013.
- Tamilselvan, P., and Wang, P., “Failure Diagnosis Using Deep Belief Learning Based Health State Classification,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 115, pp.124-135, 2013.
- Wang, Z., and Wang, P., “A Nested Response Surface Approach for Time-Dependent Reliability-Based Design Optimization,” Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 134, Issue 12, 121007(14), 2012.
- Wang, P., Youn, B.D., and Hu, C., “A Generic Probabilistic Framework for Structural Health Prognostic and Uncertainty Management”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 28, pp. 622–637, 2012.
- Hu, C., Wang, P., Youn, B.D., Lee, W.R., and Yoon, J.T., “Copula-Based Statistical Health Grade System against Mechanical Faults of Power Transformers,” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, 27 (4), pp. 1809-1819, 2012.
- Hu, C., Youn, B.D., and Wang, P., “Ensemble of Data-Driven Prognostic Algorithms for Robust Prediction of Remaining Useful Life,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol.103, pp. 120–135, 2012.
- Youn, B.D., Hu, C., and Wang, P., “Resilience Driven System Design for Complex Engineering Systems,” Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol.133, 101011 (15), 2011.
- Wang, P., Hu, C., and Youn, B.D., “A Generalized Complementary Intersection Method for System Reliability Analysis and Design,” Journal of Mechanical Design, 133(7), 071003 (13), 2011.
- Youn, B.D., Hu, C., Wang, P., and Yoon, J.T., “Resilience Allocation for Resilient Engineered System Design,” Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, v17, n11, p1082-1089, 2011.
- Jang, C., Youn, B.D., Wang, P., Han, B., and Ham, S., “Forward-stepwise Regression Analysis for Fine Leak Batch Testing of Wafer-level Hermetic MEMS,” Microelectronics Reliability, 50(4), pp.507-513, 2010.
- Wang, P., Youn, B.D., Xi Z., and Kloess, A., “Bayesian Reliability Analysis with Evolving, Insufficient and Subjective Data Sets,” Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 131, Issue 11, 111008 (11), 2009;
- Youn, B.D., and Wang, P., “Complementary Intersection Method (CIM) for System Reliability Assessment,” Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 131, No.4, 041004(15), 2009.
- Youn, B. D., Xi Z., and Wang, P., “Eigenvector Dimension-Reduction (EDR) Method for Sensitivity-Free Uncertainty Quantification,” Struct. Multidiscipl. Optim., Vol. 37, No.1, pp13-28, 2008.
- Youn, B.D., and Wang, P., “Bayesian Reliability-Based Design Optimization Using Eigenvector Dimension Reduction (EDR) Method,” Struct. Multidiscipl. Optim., Vol 36, No.2, pp107-123, 2008.
Journal Editorships
- Guest Editor, Journal of Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety, 2021-2022
- Guest Editor, Journal of Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 2019 ~ 2020
- Editorial Board Member, SME Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2017 ~ 2019
- Review Editor, Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (SAMO), 2016 ~ present
- Associate Editor, Journal of Mechanical Design, 2019 ~ 2022
Teaching Honors
- List of Teachers Ranked As Excellent by Their Students (Fall, 2018)
- Polished Professor Award at WSU (2014)
- Young Faculty Scholar Award (WSU, 2013)
- C. Raymond Knight Scholarship (U. Maryland, 2007)
Research Honors
- ASME-DAC Best Paper Award (ASME, 2008)
- Future Faculty Program (FFP) Fellowship (U. Maryland, 2009~2010)
- First Award (NSF Kansas EPSCoR, 2011)
- Strategic Engineering Research Fellowship (WSU CoE, 2011)
- IEEE PHM Best Paper Award (IEEE Reliability Society, 2012)
- Young Researcher Award (ISGMA, 2012)
- ASME-DAC Best Paper Award (ASME, 2013)
- Wallace Award for Excellence in Research (WSU, 2014)
- NSF CAREER Award (NSF, 2014)
- ASME Design Automation Young Investigator Award (ASME, 2016)
- IISE Best Paper Award for QCRE Track (IISE, 2020)
Public Service Honors
- ASME Journal of Mechanical Design Associate Editor Award, 2020
Recent Courses Taught
- SE 298 - Manufacturing Automation
- SE 411 - Reliability Engineering
- SE 450 - Decision Analysis I
- SE 598 - Data-driven Design Methods
- SE 598 - Prognostics & Health Mgmt