Engineer in Residence Program
Empowering Industrial and Systems Engineering Students for Successful Careers through Alumni Mentorship
The ISE Engineer in Residence (EIR) program invites alumni back to campus for a day to enable students in transforming their industrial and systems engineering education into practical applications and successful careers. As part of their visit, the EIR delivers a presentation to a class of 80-120 ISE students from freshman to senior level. Moreover, the EIR will also have the opportunity to provide informal mentorship, guidance, and advice through one-on-one meetings and small group interactions with students.
To learn more about the ISE Engineer in Residence Program, contact Julie Murphy
Alumni, Corporate, & Student Relations
Associate Director for Alumni, Corporate & Student Relations
1270-E Digital Computer Lab
1304 W. Springfield Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 244-0095