Engineer in Residence Program

Alumnus Todd Antonelli shares the steps of his career with the next generation of engineers.
Alumnus Todd Antonelli shares the steps of his career with the next generation of engineers.

Empowering Industrial and Systems Engineering Students for Successful Careers through Alumni Mentorship

The ISE Engineer in Residence (EIR) program invites alumni back to campus for a day to enable students in transforming their industrial and systems engineering education into practical applications and successful careers. As part of their visit, the EIR delivers a presentation to a class of 80-120 ISE students from freshman to senior level. Moreover, the EIR will also have the opportunity to provide informal mentorship, guidance, and advice through one-on-one meetings and small group interactions with students.


To learn more about the ISE Engineer in Residence Program, contact Julie Murphy

Alumni, Corporate, & Student Relations 

Julie Murphy

Associate Director for Alumni, Corporate & Student Relations

1270-E Digital Computer Lab
1304 W. Springfield Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 244-0095

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