Research Experience for Undergraduates
The Department of ISE’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program gives undergraduate students the opportunity to complete research with ISE faculty.
The program exposes top undergraduate students to research and encourages ISE faculty to engage undergraduate students in research early in their academic career.
The research, sponsored by ISE, is documented by students through research reports.
Students have completed research on topics such as wind energy, supply chain logistics, 3D printing, precision agriculture, and more.
ISE Professor Richard Sowers said the program is a way to document that undergraduate students are engaging in research at the University of Illinois, and to encourage more undergraduates to get involved.
Proposals for research are due early in the semester. Students can contact faculty members if they are interested in completing research with them.
- Zeru Li and James Allison: Multifunctional Structures for Attitude Control
- Jamie Jarauta Gastelu and Richard Sowers: Motion in complex terrains in ROS and gazebo
- Bernadette Wilk and Molly Goldstein: Autonomous Spacewalking Tool with Materials and Database Integration
- Andy Kim and Harrison Kim: An analysis of cost-benefit when replacing a labor operating system with a robotic manufacturing system
- Wenli Wei and Harrison Kim: Optimization of remanufacturing production lines and reverse supply chains
- Connie Ada Lu and Molly Goldstein: Product Design and Feasibility Study of Utility Carts for the Elderly
- Evan Rafol and Molly Goldstein: LEGO Product Reverse Engineering and Customization using 3D Scanning
- Aryyan Kanodia and Rakesh Nagi: Mixed Mode Drone Delivery Research
- Audrey Freeman and Abigail Wooldridge: Monitoring Stress and Burnout of Health Care Workers
- Jialu Liu and Qiong Wang: Combat Lead Pollution in Bangladesh with Business Model Innovation (Part II)
- Madelyn Saenz and Abigail Wooldridge: Alarms and Machine Learning in Hemorrhage Response - A scoping review of the literature
- Alexander Pero and Lavanya Marla: Advanced Bender’s decomposition to compute tight penalized regret bounds
FALL 2022
- Dylan Huey and Harrison Kim: Automated LCA Tool Development for Product Family
- Purvang Dada and James Allison: Developing a Simulation Platform using Gazebo/PyBullet for Robot Cable Manipulation
- Madelyn Saenz and Abigail Wooldridge: SEIPS-Based Process Modeling of Postpartum Hemorrhage Care
- Luna Wu and Bob Norris: Development and Implementation of a Safeguarding System for a Semi-Autonomous Surveillance
- Jianling Guo and Professor Yumeng Li: Uncertainty in Physics-informed Machine Learning Models
- Yinjia (Cathy) Li and Professor Pingfeng Wang: State of Health Estimation for Battery System Operations Management
- Gaurang Dada and Professor James Allison: Optimal 3D component Placement and Routing for Interconnected Engineering Systems
- Michael Madiol and Professor Molly Goldstein: Generative Design Research
- Vishvesh Kaushik and Professor James Allison: Creation of an Interactive User Experience Visualization Tool/App for Studying Complex 3D Interconnected Engineering Systems
- Vanessa Blas and Professor Carolyn Beck: Numerical analysis of dimensionality reduction methods for state-space systems
- Jialu Liu and Professor Qiong Wang: Combat Lead Pollution in Bangladesh with Business Model Innovation
- Ruize Gao and Professor Sowers: Fatigue, location, and Multiple Sclerosis
- Houd Hassani and Professor Sowers: Simulation and Quantum Computing
- Yinjia Li and Professor Pingfeng Wang: Reliability Data Analysis for Battery Energy Storage Systems
- Jiahao Zhang and Professor Yuming Li.Integrated experimental and simulation study of 3D printed graded structure for improved impact performance
FALL 2021
- Michael Madiol and Professor Goldstein: Exploring surface vs. deep modeling in the mobile SHIELD COVID-19 Laboratory
- Samiksha Arora and Professor Norris. Assessment of crop density using multispectral imagery on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Adviye Irem Yuceel and Professor Wooldridge. Monitoring Stress and Burnout of Health Care Workers
- Gary Dwiputra Angdoko and Professor Wooldridge: Discrete-Event Simulation for Capacity Assessment and Improvement of the mobileSHIELD COVID-19 Laboratory
- Leah (Frankie) Henson and Professor Beck: Simulation-based analysis of multi-strain virus dynamics over networks
- Gia Thien-Long (Skyler) Do and Professor Norris: Investigation of off-road vehicle local path planning alternatives
- Jerry Wu and Professor Etesami: Implementation of A Hybrid Algorithm for Revenue Management
- Vollin Mathew Memmen and Professor Krishnan: Retrofitting Soft Arms for dexterous manipulation in the FARMBot environment
- Anthony Composto and Professor Wooldridge: Piloting Wearable Sensors to Predict Occupational Stress and Burnout
- Bingyu Zhou and Professor Marla: Penalized Information-relaxation Bounds for Airline Recovery
- Orson Wang and Professor Norris: Development and Implementation of System for Remote Control of an Unmanned Vehicle and Exploration of Augmented Human Control
- Scott Jin and Professor P. Wang: Simulation-based Design Optimization of Combined Heat and Power Systems
- Licheng Jiang and Professor Reis: Software development for analysis of waveforms resulting from non-collinear ultrasonic wave mixing
FALL 2020
- Ziyang Liu, working with Professor Xin Chen. "Assortment Optimization for Multiple Category Products under Markov Chain Choice Model"
- Angela Chan, working with Professor Molly Goldstein. "Effectiveness of Social Good Hackathons"
- Briella Henderson, working with Professor Molly Goldstein. "Understanding the effects of peer mentoring on broadening participation in engineering"
- Jin Ho Lee, working with Professor Richard Sowers. "Explorations in Transportation Data"
- Sidhanth Asur, working with Professor Bob Norris. "Hyperspectral Camera Development and Evaluation for Improved Terrain Characterization"
- John Morgan, working with Professor Abigail Wooldridge. "Network analysis to investigate relationships between work system barriers and facilitators"
- Ted Loewenthal, working with Professor Girish Krishnan, "Controlling a Soft Materials 3D Printer".
FALL 2019
- Darsh Jalan and Sanghyun Shin, working with Professor Lavanya Marla, "Hourly Analysis on Air TrafficNetwork Disruptions".
- Zhou Zhou, working with Professor Chronopoulou "Data analytics to better portray couples’ relationship health".
- John Morgan, working with Professor Wooldridge, "Analyzing the Usability and Satisfaction for Code Cart Application".
- Anthony Composto, working with Professor Abigail Wooldridge, "Evaluating the Efficacy of a Mobile, Augmented Reality Education Application Using Eye Tracking Data".
- Bill Agung, working with Professor Lavanya Marla, "Evaluating Performance Measures of Emergency Medical Services"
- Yanjie Wang, working with Professor James Allison, "Design of a Low-cost, Versatile Wind-Turbine Tower"
- Mingqian Wu, working with Professor Alexandra Chronopoulou, "Analyzing Volatility Risk in Option Contracts"
FALL 2018
- Elizabeth T. Ramos, working with Richard Sowers. "IoT Air Quality Monitoring for Health"
- Ruth Ann Haefli, working with Professor Abigail Wooldridge, "Comparing Care Transition Outcomes in Pediatric and Adult Trauma Patients"
- Vincent Hoff, working with Carolyn Beck "Analytics and Optimization of Manufacturing Process Data"
- Gayatri Dandu, working with James Allison "CAPSat-testing strain-actuated solar array for CubeSat attitude control"
- Samuel Zelman, working with Pingfeng Wang, "Prototyping Electro-Hydrostatic Actuators for Resilient Flight Controls"
FALL 2017
- Shangting Li, working with James Allison "Enumeration of Design Architecture"
- Shuyu Wang, working with Alexandra Chronopoulou "Modeling the implied volatility surface"
- Nick Lindsey, working with James Allison "Wind energy harvesting for low-potential areas"
- Fei Min, working with Xin Chen "Supply chain logistics of wood delivery for pulp and paper manufacturers"
- Wanwei Yu, working with Xin Chen "Supply chain logistics of wood delivery for pulp and paper manufacturers"
- Rachel Zilz, working with RS Sreenivas and R Sowers, "IoT for power consumption"
FALL 2016
- Annie Goetz, working with Linwei Xin "Optimal policy of a dual-sourcing inventory system"
- Yirou Li, working with Rakesh Nagi "Dominance analysis in finite size facility location"
- Michael Liao, working with James Allison "Generative Design of Structures for Functionality and Aesthetics, and Prototyping of Mechanisms for Teaching"
- Joshua Love, working with Henrique Reis "Acoustic Emission in Asphalt Concrete"
- Demetrios Sofronis, working with Alexandra Chronopoulou "Off-line change point detection in financial time series”
- Shutian Xu, working with Rakesh Nagi "Application of data mining approach of forming generic bills of materials in an industrial example"
- Demetrios Sofronis, working with Alexandra Chronopoulou, "Do financial time series have long memory?"
- Michael Liao, working with James Allison "Generative Design of Structures for Functionality and Aesthetics, and Prototyping of Mechanisms for Teaching"
- Sean Kelley, working with Richard Sowers, "Data fusion in precision agriculture"
- Fei Xue, working with Richard Sowers "3d printed design of ISE Google Cardboard"
Undergraduate Contact Information
Heidi Craddock
Director of Undergraduate Programs and ISE Operations Lead
Stephanie Sims
Undergraduate Advising Assistant
Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering
Undergraduate Programs Office
1270 Digital Computer Lab, MC-237
1304 W. Springfield Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
Main Office
Office hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
1:00 pm – 4:30 pm