Data Analytics
Data Analytics involves the development and application of statistical and quantitative analysis methods and the construction of explanatory and predictive models to drive the decision making process. Our department’s advanced analytics program is focused on five core areas of research and course development: statistics and data analysis, operations research and decision sciences, computing and computational methods, and enterprise and business fundamentals. Specific relevant research areas pursued in ISE include statistical inference methods, clustering and classification, graphical models, and data-driven optimization.
By applying semiconductor fabrication techniques to biology, our researchers can create next-generation tools used in life science research, drug development and screening, genomics, disease diagnosis, and environmental monitoring.
The suggested list of courses is a recommendation. Graduate students should meet with their advisor to finalize course plans each semester. Detailed course information may be found here.
SE 450 Decision Analysis I
SE 524 Data-Based Systems Modeling
SE 530 Multiattribute Decision Making
SE 550 Decision Analysis II
IE 400 Design & Anlys of Experiments
IE 410 Stochastic Processes & Applic
IE 411 Optimization of Large Systems
IE 412 OR Models for Mfg Systems
IE 413 Simulation
IE 510 Applied Nonlinear Programming
IE 511 Integer Programming
IE 512 Network Analysis of Systems
IE 521 Convex Optimization
IE 598, CB Special Topics: Clustering and Approx Methods
IE 598 LM Special Topics: Optimization Methods for Large-Scale, Network-Based Systems
IE 598 XC Special Topics: Revenue Management
IE 598 NK Special Topics: Information Theory for Operations Research
Rasoul Etesami wins YIP Young Investigator Award
- ISE News
- January 12, 2023