Douglas M King
For More Information
- Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, May 2012, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- M.S. in Systems and Entrepreneurial Engineering, May 2006, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- B.S. in General Engineering, May 2002, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Academic Positions
- Teaching Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, August 2019 - Present
- Senior Lecturer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, August 2017 - August 2019
- Lecturer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, March 2014 - August 2017
- Visiting Lecturer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, August 2012 - March 2014
Research Areas
Selected Articles in Journals
- "An Optimization Case Study in Analyzing Missouri Redistricting" (K.W. Dobbs, R. Swamy, D.M. King, I.G. Ludden, S.H. Jacobson), INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics 54(2):162-187; March-April, 2024.
- "Redistricting optimization with recombination: A local search case study" (K.W. Dobbs, D.M. King, S.H. Jacobson), Computers & Operations Research 160 106369; December, 2023.
- "3D geo-graphs: Efficient flip verification for the spherical zoning problem" (I.G. Ludden, D.M. King, S.H. Jacobson), Discrete Applied Mathematics 338 329-346; October, 2023.
- "A bisection protocol for political redistricting" (I.G. Ludden, R. Swamy, D.M. King, S.H. Jacobson), INFORMS Journal on Optimization 5(3) 233-255; Summer 2023.
- "Multi-objective Optimization for Politically Fair Districting: A Scalable Multilevel Approach" (R. Swamy, D.M. King, S.H. Jacobson), Operations Research 71(2) 536-562; March-April 2023.
- "Models for Generating NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament Bracket Pools" (I.G. Ludden, A. Khatibi, D.M. King, S.H. Jacobson), Journal of Quantitative Analysis of Sports 16(1) 1-15; March 2020.
- "Is Promoting Public Transit an Effective Intervention for Obesity? A Longitudinal Study of the Relation between Public Transit Usage and Obesity" (Z. She, D.M. King, S.H. Jacobson), Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 119 162-169; January 2019.
- "The Geo-Graph in Practice: Creating United States Congressional Districts from Census Blocks" (D.M. King, S.H. Jacobson, E.C. Sewell), Computational Optimization and Applications 69(1) 25-49; January 2018.
- "Random acts of violence? Examining probabilistic independence of the temporal distribution of mass killing events in the United States" (D.M. King, S.H. Jacobson), Violence and Victims 32(6) 1014-1023; December 2017.
- “Analyzing the Impact of Public Transit Usage on Obesity” (Z. She, D.M. King, S.H. Jacobson), Preventive Medicine 99 264-268; June, 2017.
- "What is driving obesity? A review on the connections between obesity and motorized transportation" (D.M. King, S.H. Jacobson), Current Obesity Reports 6(1) 3-9; March, 2017.
- "Efficient geo-graph contiguity and hole algorithms for geographic zoning and dynamic plane graph partitioning" (D.M. King, S.H. Jacobson, E.C. Sewell), Mathematical Programming Series A 149(1-2) 425-457; February, 2015.
- "Modeling the winning seed distribution of the NCAA Division I men׳s basketball tournament" (A. Khatibi, D.M. King, S.H. Jacobson), OMEGA 50 141-148; January, 2015.
- "Seatbelt usage: Is there an association with obesity?"(B. Behzad, D.M. King, S.H. Jacobson), Public Health 128(9) 799-803; September, 2014.
- "Quantifying the Association between Obesity, Automobile Travel, and Caloric Intake" (B. Behzad, D.M. King, S.H. Jacobson), Preventive Medicine; 56(2) 103-106; February, 2013.
- “Assessing the long term benefit of hand-held wireless device bans while driving” (S.H. Jacobson, D.M. King, K.C. Ryan, M.J. Robbins), Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 46(10) 1586-1593; December, 2012.
- "Geo-Graphs: An efficient model for enforcing contiguity and hole constraints in planar graph partitioning" (D.M. King, S.H. Jacobson, E.C. Sewell, W.K.T. Cho), Operations Research 60(5) 1213-1228; September-October, 2012.
- "Seed distributions for the NCAA men's basketball tournament" (S.H. Jacobson, A.G. Nikolaev, D.M. King, A.J. Lee), OMEGA 39(6) 719-724; December, 2011.
- “A note on the relationship between obesity and driving" (S.H. Jacobson, D.M. King, R. Yuan), Transport Policy 18(5) 772-776; September, 2011.
- "Seeding in the NCAA men's basketball tournament: When is a higher seed better?" (S.H. Jacobson, D.M. King), Journal of Gambling Business and Economics 3(2) 63-87; September, 2009.
- "Fuel saving and ridesharing in the US: Motivations, limitations, and opportunities" (S.H. Jacobson, D.M. King), Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 14(1) 14-21; January, 2009.
- "Measuring the potential for automobile fuel savings in the US: The impact of obesity" (S.H. Jacobson, D.M. King), Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 14(1) 6-13; January, 2009.
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- "Using Case Studies to Enhance the Critical Thinking Skills of IE Students" (A. Chronopoulou, K.J. Cross, D.M. King, E. Salimi), Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition; June, 2016
Professional Societies
- American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE)
- Institute for Operations Research and the Management Science (INFORMS)
Research Honors
- 2019 INFORMS Service Science Best Paper Award (First Place)
- 2018 INFORMS Public Sector Operations Research Best Paper Award (Finalist)
- 2013 IISE Pritsker Doctoral Dissertation Award (Second Place)
- 2012 INFORMS Innovation in Analytics Award (Semifinalist)
- 2012 INFORMS Section on Public Programs, Services and Needs (SPPSN) Best Paper Competition (Finalist)
Other Honors
- Engineering Council Outstanding Advising Award (2016, 2017)
- IISE Outstanding Faculty Advisor, North Central Region (2013, 2016)
- Mavis Future Faculty Fellowship recipient (Fall 2010 - Summer 2011)
- Mavis Memorial Fund Scholarship recipient (Fall 2009 - Summer 2010)
Improvement Activities
- Collins Scholar, University of Illinois, Grainger College of Engineering (Fall 2014 - Spring 2015)
Recent Courses Taught
- IE 300 AD1 (IE 300 AD2, IE 300 AD3, IE 300 AD4, IE 300 AL1, IE 300 BD1, IE 300 BD2, IE 300 BD3, IE 300 BD4, IE 300 BL1, IE 300 CL1, IE 300 CLO) - Analysis of Data
- IE 330 - Industrial Quality Control
- IE 400 - Design & Anlys of Experiments
- IE 412 - OR Models for Mfg Systems