IE 340

IE 340 - Human Factors

Spring 2025

Human FactorsIE340AB137233LAB00900 - 0950 W  1057 Lincoln Hall Inki Kim
Human FactorsIE340AB237234LAB01000 - 1050 W  1057 Lincoln Hall Inki Kim
Human FactorsIE340AB337235LAB01100 - 1150 M  137 Loomis Laboratory Inki Kim
Human FactorsIE340AB473239LAB01200 - 1250 M  137 Loomis Laboratory Inki Kim
Human FactorsIE340AL137236LEC41000 - 1120 T R  2310 Everitt Laboratory Inki Kim
Human FactorsPSYC358AB137225LAB00900 - 0950 W  1057 Lincoln Hall Inki Kim
Human FactorsPSYC358AB237226LAB01000 - 1050 W  1057 Lincoln Hall Inki Kim
Human FactorsPSYC358AB337227LAB01100 - 1150 M  137 Loomis Laboratory Inki Kim
Human FactorsPSYC358AB473240LAB01200 - 1250 M  137 Loomis Laboratory Inki Kim
Human FactorsPSYC358AL137228LEC41000 - 1120 T R  2310 Everitt Laboratory Inki Kim


Official Description

Introduction to human factors, ergonomics, engineering psychology, history of ergonomics, human-machine relations, displays and controls, human-computer interaction, industrial and aviation systems, physiology of work and anthropometrics, cognitive ergonomics, human reliability, human as manual controller, human-machine systems design, prototyping, professional practice and ethics, laboratory exercises. Course Information: Same as PSYC 358. Prerequisite: PSYC 100, PSYC 103, or consent of instructor. Class Schedule Information: Students must register for one lab and one lecture section.