SE 423
SE 423 - Mechatronics
Spring 2025
Title | Rubric | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Mechatronics | SE423 | AB1 | 66977 | LAB | 0 | 1500 - 1750 | W | 3080 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg | Daniel J Block Sam Dekhterman |
Mechatronics | SE423 | AB2 | 66978 | LAB | 0 | 1400 - 1650 | R | 3080 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg | Daniel J Block Sam Dekhterman |
Mechatronics | SE423 | AB3 | 66979 | LAB | 0 | 0900 - 1150 | R | 3080 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg | Daniel J Block Sam Dekhterman |
Mechatronics | SE423 | AL1 | 66976 | LEC | 3 | 0900 - 0950 | M W | 101 Transportation Building | Sam Dekhterman |
Mechatronics | SE423 | AL2 | 67642 | LEC | 3 | 0900 - 0950 | M W | 101 Transportation Building | Sam Dekhterman |
See full schedule from Course Explorer
Official Description
Mechatronics concepts and practice: computer interfacing of physical devices (sensors, actuators); data acquisition; real time programming and real time control; human-machine interfaces; design principles of mechatronics in manufacturing systems and in consumer systems. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: SE 320.