SE 420

SE 420 - Digital Control Systems

Fall 2025

Digital Control SystemsSE420AB168158LAB01400 - 1650 M  3075 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Daniel J Block
Digital Control SystemsSE420AB268159LAB01400 - 1650 W  3075 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Daniel J Block
Digital Control SystemsSE420AL68157LCD41530 - 1650 T R  136 Burrill Hall Dusan M Stipanovic


Official Description

Theory and techniques for control of dynamic processes by digital computer; linear discrete systems, digital filters, sampling signal reconstruction, digital design, state space methods, computers, state estimators, and laboratory techniques. Course Information: 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: SE 320. Class Schedule Information: This course may be a substitute Design Elective in the SE Undergraduate curriculum. The 4th credit hour may be applied to the SE Secondary Field of Concentration (by petition) or Free Electives.