IE 445

IE 445 - Human Perform & Cogn in Contxt

Fall 2025

Human Perform & Cogn in ContxtEPSY456AG463804LEC41400 - 1520 T R  162 Education Building Jennifer Cromley
Human Perform & Cogn in ContxtEPSY456AU363803LEC31400 - 1520 T R  162 Education Building Jennifer Cromley
Human Perform & Cogn in ContxtEPSY456GO75062ONL4 -    Jennifer Cromley
Human Perform & Cogn in ContxtEPSY456UGO75061ONL3 -    Jennifer Cromley
Human Perform & Cogn in ContxtIE445AG437985LEC41400 - 1520 T R  162 Education Building Jennifer Cromley
Human Perform & Cogn in ContxtIE445AU342726LEC31400 - 1520 T R  162 Education Building Jennifer Cromley
Human Perform & Cogn in ContxtIE445GO75064ONL4 -    Jennifer Cromley
Human Perform & Cogn in ContxtIE445UGO75063ONL3 -    Jennifer Cromley
Human Perform & Cogn in ContxtPSYC456AG443012LEC41400 - 1520 T R  162 Education Building Jennifer Cromley
Human Perform & Cogn in ContxtPSYC456AU343011LEC31400 - 1520 T R  162 Education Building Jennifer Cromley
Human Perform & Cogn in ContxtPSYC456GO75066ONL4 -    Jennifer Cromley
Human Perform & Cogn in ContxtPSYC456UGO75065ONL3 -    Jennifer Cromley


Official Description

Course Information: Same as EPSY 456 and PSYC 456. See EPSY 456.

Course Description

We will cover theories and findings from cognitive science and related disciplines concerning human information processing mechanisms and capacities. We will consider how understanding our perceptual and cognitive strengths and limitations can inform decisions about teaching and training strategies, as well as designing technological environments to suit our needs and abilities. The course also considers methodologies for assessing human performance in different contexts. Lectures use examples from transportation (aviation and driving), medical, and education domains to expand on concepts from the readings. We also consider design and training implications of individual differences in cognitive abilities by examining the impact of aging on user abilities. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or PSYC 103 or consent of instructor.

Last updated
