Daniel Herber
Daniel R. Herber (BS GE ‘11, MS SEE ‘14, PhD SEE ‘17)
Daniel R. Herber is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Systems Engineering at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO. Since joining CSU in 2019, his research interests and projects have been in design optimization, model-based systems engineering, system architecture, digital engineering, and combined physical and control system design (control co-design), frequently collaborating with industry and government laboratories. His work has involved several application domains, including energy, aerospace, defense and software systems. He teaches courses in model-based systems engineering, system architecture, controls and optimization. He is a member of INCOSE, ASME and AIAA.
Dr. Herber studied at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, earning his BS in General Engineering in 2011 and his MS and PhD in Systems and Entrepreneurial Engineering in 2014 and 2017, respectively. He was also a member of the Engineering System Design Laboratory (ESDL) under his PhD advisor James Allison, participated in the MAVIS Future Faculty Fellow program, interned at the John Deere Technology Innovation Center (JDTIC) in the Research Park and received the ISE Service Award in 2013. He held a postdoctoral position (2018-2019) with the NSF ERC for Power Optimization for Electro-Thermal Systems (POETS).