Michael Johnson
ISE Degree/Major/Year: BS GE '93
Employer: US Army Corps of Engineers, ERDC, CERL
Job title: Research Civil Engineer
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/michael-johnson-90466a87
Last time visited campus: I was last on campus for the T.H.E. Conference in early 2020. However, I general am a frequent visitor as I work in Champaign (during non-pandemic times).
Favorite college memory: There are many from my participation in the Marching Illini. We were blessed to get four (4) bowl trips during my tenure and all were a fantastic time. But maybe the best was performing a one of the Blues Brothers at the game vs. Michigan State.
Advice you would give to your college self: Be more involved with opportunities as a student employee. I basically had no idea that you could get that experience and get paid for it. Of course, there wasn't much time during the Fall semesters with involvement in the MI.
Additional comments: I started at CERL this past April working with the Sustainment Management System (SMS) team. I also earned by MS in Civil Engineering at the U of I in December 2018.